So...I finally tricked my dad. My mom and I schemed together to get my dad a ride on the P-51C Mustang (the only dual control mustang in the world!) I lied to my dad and told him that we were just going to a special viewing of the P-51. I told him that I had arranged a pre-flight for him with the pilot. (It was a tad bit scary how well I fibbed!) Anyway that got him down there. That morning was so hectic. Jeff was gone to Alabama, I had to get Daniel ready, I had to find my dad's old log book, etc., know the mornings. I made sure to get ready that day too, because we were going down to the airport and I wanted to look somewhat half-decent in my post pregnancy phase. I actually did my hair and make-up. It was a quick throw together, but I did it. That stated we went to the airport...the whole see the Mustang...or as dad calls it..."the Cadillac of the Skies". Once we got there I paid for the flight and let the pilot know about all of our lies. Everyone I spoke with that morning gave me some wierd looks, but I just figured that it was because not a lot of people get to ride the is a little pricey. The surprise turned out perfectly! We coaxed dad into getting into the plane to see the inside...not so easy to coax Kim into doing anything...but he finally gave in to peer pressure. Once inside and checking out the gauges, we locked his seatbelt and told him that he was going for a ride. He couldn't believe it. At that moment, he looked like the happiest man on Earth. They took off and I went back to Kensie who was babysitting Daniel. The first thing she said to me was, "Did you know that you have mascara all over your eyes?"...good old Kensie. Yes. I am one of those girls who can't seem to stay in the lines...mascara everywhere if I want a good eyelash job. And Yes. I did forget to wipe it off. I just about died. Smudges were almost all the way up to my eyebrows, and nobody even told me. Not even Rose, my mom, who said that she noticed but didn't want to embarrass me in front of everyone. Uhhhh...too late! I bet they all just thought I was a crazy lady. I truely earned my mom merit badge that day. I ran to the bathroom and took care of it, but by that time it was too late. Everyone had already seen me in my crazy lady state. Oh well. Dad got back down and really had the time of his life. I am so happy to have been there to witness it...even in all my mascara glory! Notice I don't have any pictures up of me...thank goodness.