Sunday, November 2, 2008

On to new Horizons

I had the special opportunity this week of listening to one of my favorite General Authorities. President Uchtdorf spoke to all the pilots at the Provo Airport UVU hangar, and I am sure they expected something a little different. President Uchtdorf is well known for his rank of Chief Pilot of Luftansa Airlines, and that is what brought many there...I was excited because I got to listen to a prophet of the Lord speak to me about what I was interested in. He spoke of his challenges learning English, his service in the military, and his career as a pilot. He explained that the airplane that he loved most was the one he flew at the time...I thought that was so cute...He also gave a ton of jokes about flying...FLYING IS THE SAFEST WAY TO FLY...MANKIND HAS A PERFECT RECORD IN AVIATION: WE'VE NEVER LEFT ONE UP THERE...everyone loved it. He made many analogies to flying and life. He spoke of how redundant airplanes and checklists are...they leave little room for error. He stated that in flying we must always have alternate (back-up) plans, and so it is the same with life. It will never go the way we want it to. He said that in life we must always have a flight plan...and as pilots our jobs are to be PROTECTORS and not GAMBLERS. I thought that was especially important for all the new pilots...he followed that by saying..Don't fly in a thunderstorm in times of peace. Great advice for flying and life.

My favorite thing that he said over and over again, and touched my heart the most, was when he explained that flying could seem like everything right now, our world, but in no way does it have as great importance as our families. I understood it as you could have everything in flying, and end up with nothing in life if you have left your family behind. I struggle sometimes wanting to be a career woman...flying jets, making money, and having that prestige. I felt such a confirmation at that time that the choices that I have made in life were righteous. I have chosen to be a mom. I prayed going into this meeting, knowing that he would give a pep talk about flying and reaching your potential, that I would not be discouraged in my decisions, and that I would be able to feel happiness for the pilots who were doing what I wanted to do...My prayers were answered through a prophets voice that my decision to be a mom and put my family first would be the most fulfilling and rewarding job that I could ever have. I was the only one who walked away from that experience blubbering like a baby...I think being pregnant might be the cause of some of that!

After explaining that he has not been flying in 12 years, and has served as a General Authority, someone asked the question: "Do you ever miss your job of flying?" He stated that on his last flight, his children were waiting at the airport with a sign that read: UP UP AND AWAY...ON TO NEW HORIZONS. He said that what he is doing is just that a new horizon, as beautiful or more so than before. He stated that when you do something will always know what to do with your life...

President Uchtdorf stated that sometimes you just know what is right, and so it has been with his life. He quoted Stephen Hopkins, the RI delegate in 1776, saying,"My hand trembles, but my heart does not." That is how I feel sometimes making the transition from flying to family. I know in my heart that it is right. I am so excited to be moving on to new horizons!