Saturday, July 11, 2009

A girl and her cake

So do you all remember that marvelous cake I made for Jeff's mission president? Well, I decided that I wasn't going to let one cake ruin me...even though I have never made a normal looking cake...So I decided to do it again. Since Jeff is gone, and it is my last week with my family, I thought I would make it for them. Really, the pictures speak for themselves. Halfway through cooking I had to take the cakes out because smoke was filling the house. I did it again...ruined cake. Oh well...I still have one last try in me...this cake will not beat me. I will overcome!

1 comment:

Stephanie Salmon said...

Your cake making attempts are hilarious! I just stick to the box cakes. And the mascara story...LOVE it! Remember that one day when we prayed by the front door and then when we opened our eyes I saw that you hadn't wiped off your mascara so you ran upstairs to go do it before we left? And speaking of the mission, remember when Kristen came and picked me up and she had a video camera. I just found that video last night and watched it for the first time in 5 years and it was so awesome to watch. Almost like being back there again. You were in it and you talked about how I was going to come pick you up. Dang me for not coming and picking you up!