Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hail to our Beloved Jazz

So it is Jazz season again, and I cannot think of a better way of kicking it off than winning tickets to a game! Jeff is a big fan of sports radio in the morning, and decided to win some Jazz tickets to one of the pre-season games...he was very determined! Well he did it. We were invited to the pre-game party at a Mexican grill. It was so fun to talk with the "voices of the radio", and eat the greatest Mexican food ever! The game was so much fun! We even got to see the television announcers up huh?!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am so jealous of your dimples. Seriously my favorite thing ever! Glad the Jazz game was fun, I'm pretty sure that I don't remember you telling me that you met the "Radio Voices" very very cool!!!