Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Looks just like dad!

Daniel looks just like his dad! It is quite funny. I always thought that there wasn't a single set of genes out there that could mask the dominant Oliver genes...but it has been done! We always try to find some part of Daniel that looks like my set of genes...and finally we did it...Jeff says that he has my ear lobes. Yes!...and might I add that he is lucky, because they are mighty fine ear lobes! Here is a picture of Jeff at birth and Daniel. It is crazy how similar they are!


Stephanie Salmon said...

Alexis, your baby looks so PERFECT! Wish you would have told me you were having him and I could have walked upstairs to see you... I'll have to come to your house soon. Are you still in your parents' basement? Congratulations on the baby!!

Jon and Kari-Lynn Tarleton said...

Danggit Stephanie beat me to the punch. I was just thinking about you yesterday so I'm so glad that you blogged. Congratulations on your perfect baby. He is so precious!!!

Mari said...

So I've been keeping up with your blog to see if you would post pics of the babe up and then BAM! Blog attack! He is so cute, congrats!!

Amber Lynn said...

congrats to you my dear sweet friend! im so glad that everything went good! ive been thinking about u latly and just hope that you are feeling on top of the world with your new lil guy! He is just adorable! I miss you much and I cant wait to see the lil guy when i am next in town! love ya girlie! congrats again im so happy for you and jeff

Andrea and Preston said...

Alexis, your little boy looks so much like Jeff! His pics are so cute! I'm so happy for you guys! I saw you at church on Easter, but didn't get a chance to see him, maybe this Sunday?! Congrats!

Jess said...

Alexis!!! So don't worry, I saw you driving the other day when I was out for a walk, and I saw you had a BABY SEAT in the back of your car!!! Congrats! HE is ADORABLE!

Anonymous said...

Daniel is so adorable! Keep the pictures coming! Congrats on the move. Can't wait to see your little family next month!